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04 November, 2002 - 6:59 a.m.

Nothing too exciting. Didn't get to working more on my puter yesterday. I did housecleany things instead. sunday is becoming my official housecleany day i think. I did some laundry, and mopped, all that good stuff. I asked tyger to take us to the store, since there were a few big things we'd both like to get that are too big to carry, but he didn't want ot go, so i tried to get shrew to take the train with me, but she didn't, so i went alone and promised to get lunchy things for her to eat at work. Since I went ot hte store just south of here, i was near veganboy and CRG's house, so i called CRG to see if i could visit for a bit, and she said she SHOULD study but i should come over anyways. Yeah yeah, I know i Should have said no, and told her to get to her studying, but..... :} So i pestered her, and she brushed my hair for me, and there was lots of scritching. Veganboy was awake too, so i pestered him some, but he was watching anime before work, so. I did fix his broken puter. He hadn't noticed when he was pulling out the floppy drive that he'd accidently dislodged the memory :D He's a geek, he should know to look for these things! Sometimes it takes a second set of eyes though :D He was nice and gave me a ride most of the way home on his way to work, so i just had to walk 3 blocks instead of take the train and then walk 3 blocks :} yay veganboy :D


It's chilly in here and it's too early.

my dumb puter that won't recognise the mouse, prolly cuz there a dumb loose wire somewhere :P

roomies cooked steaky type things for dinner last night, and hte whole house reeked of the scent all night :P i burned insence so my room didn't smell of it as much


getting my hair brushed


having a 5 day weekend this weekend (though i have no clue what to do with myself) cuz i only work till wed this week, then monday is a holiday, so i don't work till tuesday (i have to work friday instead, but) anyone wanna do something crazy?



Now Playing: oingo boingo- no one lives forever, meatloaf- life is a lemon, concrete blonde- ghost of a texas ladies man �

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