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07 November, 2002 - 10:38 a.m.

my puter has been taken over for hte day, so i only have my laptop to use. sllloooowwww. and sucky video/monitor. whatchima display 800x600 or whatever it is... at least i fixed the colours. it was set to 256 colour for some reason. It did give me memory flashback though. thinking about when i was growing up, and my dad brought home our first vga monitor and stuff, and i was so impressed by a picture of a squirell that looked semi-real on the screen.

went for my wed. night study with veganboy. as usual we didn't study that much, though i did get some things explained to me that i didn't understand.

It started pouring rain around 1am i think. it woke me up cuz i'd had my window open and it rained on my head :P i stayed up and watched the storm for a bit. I ended up not getting to sleep till around 4am, and then woke at 9am of course. and now it's not really raining. it's possed to rain on and off i think.

today i'm going to do some shopping and stuff, and hopefully not get too soaked. if i have time, i'll maybe stand in line at the dmv, otherwise i'll go hide at veganboy's house. EQ people are taking over my house for the day, so i am fleeing. CRG is in arkansas for a week, so i promised to go pet her fuzzies, and i can pester veganboy in the process. Maybe since i'll be near a whole foods when i'm shopping i should get him some silknog. Maybe, i donno. Tonight i should get a monitor for my puter that doesn't have one.


i've had a major sweet tooth the last few days, and there's tonnes of sweets around left over from hallows eve. I've gained a few pounds this week :P I tried to wear a tighter pair of pants, and they felt too tight to wear :P

I'm getting a sore throat. No no no. I do not want to be sick. hopefully maybe it'll at least hit me this weekend and not wait til the week when i need to work. even better would be not getting sick at all, but that's prolly being too hopeful




the really silly ad i found in a magazine from the 50's with a group of people sitting at home watching tv in formalwear. It just cracked me up.



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