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08 November, 2002 - 12:42 p.m.

f*ck. I just hit the back key by mistake and lost an entire page worth of entry :P

grrr... I guess i start over. it'll prolly be a lot shorter this time though.

I had fun yesterday. went shopping, aside from getting what i went to shop for (slippers, socks, and a new wallet) i found two really neat shirts for under $10 on clearance.

after shopping i went to dinner with veganboy and then we went to kiala's house and i got a monitor for Poppy from him, and we cuddled with people there for a bit.

I should go do stuff today, but i got so soaked yesterday, and the wind broke my umbrella. it's still pouring out today.

Later i will move Poppy to my room, but i can't till the people leave. I want to play the new ddr game too, but they are watching tv.

I am feeling very antosocial today. I want to be all alone in the house. the strange people aren't helping this. thye were 'possed to be gone this morning, but they slept in. blah.

i kind want to move stuff about in my room, i'm getting unhappy with it, and i haven't moved stuff since i moved in.


my nails are getting long enough that the bother me when i type, but i don't want to cut them.

it being so dark out is confusing my body i think, i've being feeling tired since i woke up. i turned the bright light in my room on, which helped some.

my dad really confuses me sometimes. he offered me a trip as a bday/xmas present. He kinda drives me nuts. he hates giving me practical stuff so he offers me trips i can't take/afford time off to take, but won't get me things i ask for, like gift certificates to clothing stores.


my cat scares me sometimes. I left the puter on my bed and went to go get some tea downstairs, and when i came back up, he was sitting at the puter with his paws on the keyboard. Hopefully he didn't tell anyone my deep dark secrets. :D

the simpsons



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