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10 November, 2002 - 4:10 p.m.

I cooked two dinners last night, i feel so domestic.

First i went to fry's to get a mouse/kb and a power cable cuz i couldn't find my spare one, i think i gave it to tshrew... then i stopped by the grocery on the way home and got some things we've needed (milk!) and they had salmon fillets on sale, so i bought one.

when i got home, i contacted woofie and bribed him with a trade or food and ddr playing for helping make my puter work. so i cooked him broiled salmon with lemon and pepper, rice, and broccoli. and we played ddr a lot and i discovered that the new one has songs to unlock, so i have to play lots now :D

then woofie left and i hung out for a bit and fiddled with puters, and talked to veganboy, and he wanted to do stuff for "lunch" around midnight. so i invited him over and cooked pasta for him and we watched the dubbed inu-yasha on cartoon network, and the voices are horrid eeekk. inuyasha sounds like he's 11 years old :P

I finally went to bed around 2am.

today i've done laundry (i did some yesterday too) and i cleaned the kitchen some, and i started working on moving stuff around in my room. And i got the pictures from the afterhalloween party from woofie, and i put one up on my webpage to replace the "recent" picture up there that's like 2 years old :D I may put up another too, i'm not sure yet.

I have a bunch of stuff i need to fiddle with on my website....


it's cold and rainy, again.

Mo shed all over my just washed pillowcases :P

the printer isn't working, and tyger's not here to make it work. it's not showing up on the network, and it's connected through his puter, and i don't want ot mess with someone else's puter.


Re-arranging my room some, thus quelling some spiritual discontent :D


warm tea


kitties, cuz they are being silly and pshychotic since tyger and tshrew are gone all weedend. they're being weird.

I don't have to be up at 6am tomorrow morning.

5 days till HP2



Now Playing: mtx- new girlfriend, hoobastank- running away, TMBG- the sun is a mass... �

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