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11 November, 2002 - 11:57 a.m.

Yay. I found my fangs! Whhheee they'd falled behind a piece of furniture. I moves everything in my room around yesterday, except the bookcases, and i found them!

i almost have everything on my new puter running, i just need to fiddle with the dvdrom. i need to figure out the sound cable, and reset the jumpers, cuz i forgot and it doesn't like 2 masters :D Oops.

hmm need to find someone to take the apartment behind our house.


i have heartburn right now, and i'm boggled, how can frosted flakes give me heartburn?? that's all i've eaten today so far, so... (boggle) my body is just being rebellious i guess.

noisy construction.


It's sunny today!



Now Playing: BoA- listen to my heart, Cheesybunny- hey you're cute, heather alexander- stable boy �

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