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12 November, 2002 - 9:27 a.m.

I had a weird dream. I was in a car with my dad, aunty, and nana and me all in the front seat somehow. and dad got out this wishlist of stuff he had for some reason, and nana and aunty started fighting over it somehow (i forget why/what) and ended up tearing it to pieces. he was unhappy about it, and then nana told him to shut up in that majic mommy way and he did. then we got where we were going, and dad handed me this binder thing and told me to find the money in it so we can pay, and i couldn't find it, and nana found it for me, and then started drilling him about all the other stuff in the binder. It was an odd dream. In reality nana is sucha sweetie most of the time. I think the only time i've seen her even mildly nasty is around my dad though, their german stubborness grates on eachother :D

I got email that some more clerk jobs opened up, so i filled out all the stuff i should for the ones i am interested in. I am going to try not to get my hopes up for these ones and just put it in the back of my head.

yesterday was mostly laziness. I went to dinner with a friend, and we came back to my hosue and watched spirited away. nifty movie. I shopped around one of my fave bookstores and found 3 books for me, and one for grinninggirl, which i'll need to mail off to her.


I need to lovingly thwap veganboy and get him to set up stuff for new years.

the key is too close to the backspace key on this kb. foo


yummy food and good company.


stuffies and piles of pillows


3 more days til HP2



Now Playing: big20- like a prayer, american hifi- flavour of the week �

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