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14 November, 2002 - 10:06 a.m.

Ouwwiiieee3!!!!! did i mention ouch too? I fell down the stairs at veganboy's house. yes again. i did it before, like a year ago. my knees hurt, and i think i twisted my ankle some. I had trouble sleeping cuz i normally sleep on my tummy, and it hurt my knees to do that, so i had to prop myself to try not to roll over. Blah

I have a sore throat, too. blah. i don't want to be sick.

yesterday i went to dinner with veganboy , and we went and picked up the HP2 tix.

la la not too much else exciting, sorry.


the cats running a game of zip through my room at 4am.

that veganboy doesn't keep bandaids at his house :P silly unprepared for emergency boy


oreo cookie milkshakes

silly music



Now Playing: blur- boys and girls �

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