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16 November, 2002 - 10:44 a.m.

my knee is feeling a lot better this morning. yay.

got home from hp2 around 2am. it was fun. kinda scary that the big theatre around here (that we didn't go to) at 5 was all sold out, even a midnight show, so they added two 12:45am shows. poor theatre staff. icky. we went for sushi before the movie, because they wouldn't let us line up when we wanted to. the sushi was yummy though.

I signed up for extra holiday hours next month. since a lot of people want holiday time off, i am working every sat. in december. it'll prolly make me grumpy some, but of well, i could use the money.

veganboy is over here, cuz he fell asleep (at home) right after the movie, so he's awake, even though he should be asleep cuz he has to be at werk at 6pm. we are going to go dostuff prolly


I bought new shampoo cuz i was tired of my old shampoo, and i really don't like the new stuff i bought, it makes my hair feel all greasy. blah.


hp2 and the people that went with me

that i managed to get my new puter running right before my old one died. not that the old one dieing is good, but...



Now Playing: falco- rock me amadeus, new order- blue monday �

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