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10 December, 2002 - 10:34 p.m.

Wow. this is soo nifty. My supervisor today told me, that she arranged for me to get transfered next june, not to circulation like everyone else, but to I.T. that is so neat! she said she knew i loved puters and stuff, so she asked if i could go up there instead, and they said okay! Yay! We went to a celebratory sushi dinner after work too :}

today was otherwise boring. hehehe bookitty is rolling around lots right now though, and attacking string :} he's making me laugh lots. and shadow just crept in and is watching me from a distance.


i have the hiccups

i sat wrong earlier and had my ankle at an odd angle, and now it hurts :P


knowing i'll get to work with puters if i end up not getting a promotion before june.

i had two different people tell me my kittyvelvet shirt was cute today :D


prolly going out for sushi tomorrow night too




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