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10 December, 2002 - 9:15 a.m.

I did the first book commentary for myself. at least i carried the idea through to doing one. Hopefully i'll do more. It will be helpfull to remember what i've read and what i thought of it when i read it. there are so many things i've picked up on a whim and totally forgotten what they were, even though i liked them. I've made a folder on my 'puter for them too, so we'll see

I really don't like the new setup for patron service at werk. It's irritating. people just stand there and don't ring the bell, or come around and open the door and come to our work area to ask for help (at which point we are technically possed to call security or the police, but we haven't been, since we realize they are just silly people) It may get better as ppl get used to it, and we are getting more work done, but right now, the annoyance factor is hi. It feels so rude too, making people ring a bell, but the big important lady who doesn't even work with us made the decision, so all we can do is gripe and complain, and hope it might change her mind. i'm glad i work branch most weekends, it'll give me a break from that. I don't this weekend though, i work at my normal workplace, which will be odd. I've never worked there on a saturday that i can remember.

I had a mild tiff with shrew yesterday, which was annoying. about no one doing the dishes. I wouldn't have minded, except she seemed to take such a holier than though attitude about it. feh. oh well, i did all the dishes and that made her happy.


being unhappy at work, it makes me not want to go. :P





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