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06 December, 2002 - 3:04 p.m.

work today was nice. I walked again, it's rained a bit, but not much, so i didn't get soaked or anything. I schedules more branch hours, which will be nice. The extra money will help. I'm really starting to like being there. I walked home too, even though i could have gotten home about 5 minutes sooner by bus, walking felt good.

I came home to find my delivery waiting for me. whheeyayy. I ordered some nifty pants on clearance, but i was worried they wouldn't fit, but they do fit. yay. they are black, with leopard print trim on all the zippers and d-ring loops. they were normally $60 and i got then for $13. whhheee (bounce)

later me and veganboy are prolly going to go bowling. i've been wanting to go bowling for like a week now. I haven't been in years.

I cleaned my room a bit, and i'm going to vacuum soon, and i finished laundry yesterday.

Mini-rant: What is it with guys who honk at girls walking on the st. as they drive by? it's sooo bloody annoying! I had it happen both on the way to and from work today! and on the way to work, it was a car comming up behind me, at 8am, so it scared the hell outta me. Dummies! Grrr.


I'm still not hungry. I've had one cookie today. I tried to eat a second, but my body just kinda went "No!"

gardeners are here, noisy.


I loaned CC the first haydon book, and she's addicted. Yay.

anderw the nice diaryland overlord who helped me with something and i am happy now :D yay for diaryland.

My cat, who is quite cute and looking annoyed at the gardeners too, and will soon be annoyed at me, since i'm gonna vacuum. :D



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