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04 December, 2002 - 9:40 p.m.

i feel loved. someone from werk went to d-land last weekend, and she knew i liked a certain lollipop you can only buy at d-land/d-world and so she brought me back some as a present :D Yum.

I feel a little better today, no headaches. The one thing is that i have no appetite still. today all i ate was a piece of bread and a yougurt, and that only cuz i knew i should eat. I am telling myself i should go downstairs and eat something, but i really am just not hungry at all.

tomorrow, i should vacuum, and do laundry, i have NO clean pants, except some sweats and my hair dying pants. I should do dishes too. we've been really bad about it here. there were no clean plates or forks. I emptied the clean dishes out of the dishwasher and put some stuff in that didn't need rinsing this morning, but the sink is still full. this is what happens when two of us are sick and the other is working lots/playing eq.


i feel kinda bad cuz i was 'possed to go to dinner with someone from work today, and i didn't, cuz i spent my dinner hour napping in the bed upstairs instead of eating since i wasn't hungry and didn't feel good.

feeling lonely again.

girl cramps :P they suck. blah.


my cat, who just came in and nuzzed me and purred in my ear, and then plopped down at the foot of my bed and seems to be asleep already..

curling up in bed with a book



Now Playing: garbage- cherry lips, edge of dawn- insanity, tori amos- enjoy the silence �

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