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03 December, 2002 - 10:25 p.m.

Bah. Work is being sucky. One of my fave things is getting to sit at the desk and help people, and i'm not going to get to any more, at least for a bit. we are shortstaffed and busy, and so they got a bell and sign saying "ring bell for service" so if someone rings the bell, we help them, otherwise we do other stuff. blah. sucky sucky.

I'm still sick. i had nasty sinus headaches all day. my throat feels fine now mostly, but i'm sooo congested. my taste buds have gone awol too, so i don't really want to eat. everything seems to have a metallic aftertaste.

I have too many different things i'd like to do on thurs. i work tomorrow again, then i work friday and sat. so i should do laundry and rest, but i want to spend time with people. I'm feeling lonely today lots. I want to find someone to curl up and take a nap with.

I was pondering today on something to do writting wise. I was thinking about trying to keep record of books i've read, with kind of reviews with them, how i liked them and such. I may start trying that. i need something to get me writing other than journals.


being so stuffed up that it feels like i'm suffocating if i close my mouth :{

being unhappy at work


talking with rkitty about art stuff a bit

the fact that i wore a black shirt today (not that this is something unusual, i'm just appriciative of it today) I spilled black toner powder all over myself. but that's okay, cuz it'll match my shirt! my hands are stained kinda grey though... would have been sucky it i was wearing any other coloured shirt though



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