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01 December, 2002 - 6:45 p.m.

I slept in really late today, i kinda woke up around 9amish, with cats running me over, then felt too tired, so stayed in bed, and then woke up again, thinking it was 10ish, and it was past noon!

I headed out to return the shirt, got there, and they hadn't put it on hold or couldn't find it, so i got a slightly different size and grumbled at them. wandered around the evil mall a bit since i was there. then i had breakfast (or whatever you wanna call it, first food around 4pm ish)at a sushi place near there, and then met up with woofie and we played ddr for a bit.

now i'm home. i plan to rest, find some food in a bit, and then try to sleep, since i back to opening tomorrow morning.

I have hole's gutless running through my head due to my stay in the mall today "i don't really miss god, but i sure miss santa claus" all that xmas stuff and pictures with "santa" at the mall... la la la


the bratty kid at golfland that was stealing peoples hold tokens off the ddr machine


jasmine tea

the cute purple haired boy who helped me :D yum. he's helped me before, he's got a good sence of humour, which is good in a sales clerk :D



Now Playing: oingo boingo- skin, harry potter- diagon alley theme, hole- gutless �

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