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29 November, 2002 - 10:25 p.m.

well, didn't end up going to the beach. Instead i did laundry. then went and picked up my velvet pants. The are wonderful. the big hole in hte back is fixed, and they fit now. she took 4 inches off the waist. they don't fall off it i try to run now :D they're really comfy. i missed them. mmm velvet. then i went with CPG and her mum to shop, and i got a new pillow nad pillowcases. I'm becoming a pillow addict. i have 7 now. the new pillowcases match the royal purple in my comforter. whhhee. we went out ot lunch after shopping, and the dessert was really yummy. I went home after that and napped for a few hours. then tyger got home and he invited me to go dinner with him, shrew and his brother. we went for sushi, and wandered around the mall. i found a nifty gift for veganboy. we stopped by hot topic and i actually found stuff i wanted, and i had a 15% off thing that i have from when i bought my shinyzipper pants, and shrew bought stuff, so i got some cute socks, a cute shirt with a velvet kitty on it, and another shirt,that i noticed at home had a flaw in the dyejob(white stript across the front on a burgundy shirt), so i need to return it, but that's a soft nightshirty shirt that says "i need a nap.." which i thought was cute, and i fully endorse naps. :D I found another store that has it, cuz the one i got was the last one, so they are holding it for me till sunday :D


I have to work all day tomorrow.

dumb shirt having a flaw i didn't notice in the store.


finding nifty presents

yummy food


clean laundry

having my velvet pants back ... murr....



Now Playing: tetris theme, tmbg- your racist friend, joanna pacitti- watch me shine �

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