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29 November, 2002 - 1:14 a.m.

Whheee today was fun.

I baked a cheesecake with appled and cinnimon on top, it turned out really nice. I went over to wolfgrrl and CC's house and wolfgrrl's family fed us all. we hung out for a bit, and talked geek some and i brought fluxx, but i forgot to get it out. it would have been fun to play. we talked about going to the beach tomorrow to play in the water. with how tired i am right now i'd say no, but sleep will make me less tired, it is 1:20 in the morning after all.

after dinner and stuff, i ventured forth with rugrat and we played lots of ddr. and we found a ddr solo 2k machine! i'd never seen one before. he knew it was there, but it was always broken, but he unplugged it and repluged it, now that he knows more about them, and got it to work. so i played some with the 6 arrows. that was fun.


i'm tired

i want to go out and play tomorrow, but i prolly should rest a day. work next week will be insane, and i work tomorrow, and sunday i'll prolly need ot do chores and stuff, so i should take a rest day, though i don't want to, we'll see how a feel tomorrow.




finding out that there's a bowling alley that's open late, so if i ever get stuck with "it's 11pm, what's open, i know about the bowling alley, i haven't bowled in years, so it might be fun to try.



Now Playing: garbage- cherry lips, tatu- all the things she said, faith no more- we care a lot �

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