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15 December, 2002 - 9:53 a.m.

I just had an odd dream. I my dream, me and veganboy visited an ex of mine, who got married about 4 months after we broke up, and we had dinner. Veganboy ate with us, and was eating not-vegan stuff. they all took off all their jewelry to eat, leaving it on the edge of the plates. then they left me and veganboy to clean up when done. they left all the jewelry on the plates, and i was mad because of them leaving and not helping,and i'd almost dumped it in the garbage because it was mixed in with the leftover food, so i took it. then we finished cleaning and left. then i woke up. odd dream to have. i haven't talked to them in years, she was jealous by nature, so she had forbid him to talk to me once they were together, and they kinda fell out of our social circle. I Wonder if they are still together, they got married so fast. I don't know that i know any way to find out though. I might try to talk to my sister and see if she knows anything, cuz i'm curious now.

it's really stormy. power hasn't gone out yet though. i had to work yesterday, and the parking lot got flooded. I got a good laugh at imagining everyone swimming to their cars, then caught the train home, and didn't get wet, except the street at the corner was flooded, and so i had to do some of my own swimming :P heh. oh well, i deserved it for laughing at my coworkers. :D once i got home, i went dinner and shopping with shrew and tyger. veganboy(or crg) were gonna call when they left the party they were at, but they didn't, so i guess they stayed really late.

today, i'll prolly just sit around and read, and try to do laundry, but maybe not, we'll see. need to go to the pet store. kitties need fud and litter.


i have tow big bruises on my leg that i have no idea how i got, one on my knee, the other on the front of my thigh. :P i imagine i ran into something and didn't think about it at the time. i tend to push the carts at werk with my legs too, so i could have pushed something too heavy that way.


being comfortable and curled up in a blankie on a cold day and having to go pee, thus needing to get up and go out in hte cold air that isn't the nice warm blankie :P :P :P







Now Playing: silverchair- emotion sickness, saliva- always, becca-you make me feel �

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