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17 December, 2002 - 10:21 a.m.

well, i joined a fitness club/gym hing yesterday, we'll see how that goes. i'm tired of just doing workouts in my room, and i'd like to have a treadmill and bike i can use. Hopefully i will use it like i think i will, instead of just going to a month and then being stuck with it for my contract.

tyger cooked some yummy cajun catfish last night, it was yummy, he was nice to me and shared. he was mean and tormented boo and didn't give him any. (he was begging, and he should know, begging= no food, sitting around looking casual and uninterested=fud) he's being nice to me now though, prolly cuz i haven't fed him yet this morning, but last night he was giving me hte cold fuzzy shoulder :P now he's attacking the bed for no reason that i can see. hmm. he knows i'm comfy cuz of the bed maybe, and that's why i'm not getting up to feed him? that seems catlogic enough of a reason

Hmm i'm doing absolutly nothing this holiday season. anyone got any good plans i can barg in on? :D i would like to do something solsticy, like go play at a park in the rain or something. something outside. i'm also kind of pondering a movie night or something at my house at some point.

hmm now mo is in here, i must obvoiusly really get up and feed the cats soon.


my street being flooded.

weird(in a bad way) people

it gets dark too early





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