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20 December, 2002 - 9:27 a.m.

last two days have been busy.

had to call 911 at werk on wed. fun. drunk guys, arguing, then one passed out.

after werk went to the movies with veganboy, then dinner. yesterday, i went to lunch with CRG, getting soaked cuz it was raining hard, then we went to golfland and played ddr for a long time, and veganboy and rugrat joined us. hung out for a bit, then i went with rugrat to play more ddr while he fixed machines, and crg and veganboy went home.

lots of ddr, my feet hurt.

at work right now, working for three hours to fill a gap in the schedule, then going to go work out. maybe go lunch somewhere.


feet hurt

my jacket is still soaked

I got a cut on my foot, too

i'm really tired. i fell asleep in the truck on the way home with rugrat. i slept okay last night, but not enough. and i've been so busy with work. i look forward to sunday, i plan on sleeping in, i wish i could tomorrow, but i'm working.

wet socks



jalepeno poppers





Now Playing: the sound of the microfilm machines being used and carts being rolled �

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