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22 December, 2002 - 10:25 p.m.

whheee. cleaned the bathroom this morning, and did laundry, then went shopping. Found a really nifty and comfy bra on sale. yay. got CPG's present too. played a game of ddr, but was in heels, so couldn't play more. one of the guys there recognised me and said hi though.

work tomorrow, then two days off in a row. i've missed that. CRG leaves in a few days, i'll miss her.

hmm i am not tired. i have to be up in 7 hours, but i slept in till near noon today cuz i just didn't want to get up. i've been so busy. i know i've been whining about being busy a lot lately.


my cat hacking up a hairball in the middle of my floor. icky. he's lucky he's cute.

need cuddles, suffering withdrawls. applications currently being accepted for proffessional cuddler, please include resume with references :P


nifty braclet i got as a present, and jewelry box too. yay. getting things i need but wouldn't normally buy for myself are nice.

margaret cho

being curled up under blankies



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