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25 December, 2002 - 6:55 p.m.

la la la. i was feeling blah today, stayed in bed till 2ish. went with loki to play ddr, ran into CRG and rugrat there. that was fun. tried to go grocery shopping afterwards, cuz we were out of milk and OJ, but everything was closed. ended up in uhmmm walgreen's i think. found milk and OJ, so at least that's done. need to do real shopping on friday.

i haven't really done anything holiday related yesterday or today. talked to Bob. She says Hi to Everyone :D She's talking about comeing up at the end of jan. and i totally forgot to ask her about chinese new years! foo! i'll have to call her back.

I got a kinda-present (well, it was a big present, but not really actively holiday related)today, shrew got a new fancy palmpilot with colour and everything, so she said "want my old visor?" (old as in bought like, 3 months ago) whhhheee nifty :}

back to work tomorrow, wheee... I wish there'd been more fun stuff to do the last two days. I did most my laundry though. I need to clean my room. doing laundry cleaned up about half the mess, but i have lots of boxes and stuff from presents from solstice laying around. A lot of books too, i need to get some reading done. working on my yearly required punny fluff in the form of the yearly xanth novel. It's gotten fairly stale over hte years, but i still read them, i think just out of habit, i've been reading them since i first got into them one bored day in 96. then four different kids books waiting to be read.

OHOHOHOH! i almost forgot! Gail carson levine's Ella Enchanted is being made into a movie! they are filming right now in , uhm, the Uk somewhere. (drools in a somewhat pavlovian manner) (bounces lots) i cannotcannot wait :}

you know, murphey's bylaw's can be interesting, take in point, If you sit down to watch a movie, without asking everyone else in the house if they would like to watch it too, even if they seem busy, someone will always show up 20 minutes into the movie wanting to watch it, causing you to need to start over :D


being lethargic all this morning.

caffiene headaches


getting more people addicted to tatu's music :D



warm socks



Now Playing: RHPS- time warp, SES- U, wheatus- truffles, silverchair- emotion sickness �

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