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28 December, 2002 - 10:36 a.m.

Ugh. woke up this morning with a nasty neck/back ache. the kind where if you turn your head at all, it sends this lovely pain down your back. was supposed to be working branch, called in to say i won't be in. get a call 2 hours later, main is having a crisis, there is one person to close, can i come in. so i told them i'd down some painkillers and at least come in from 4-6, and if i was feeling okay enough, come in sooner. I'll prolly go in at 2. I put heat on and took some ibprofen. i can at least move now.

it's very windy/stormy out. eek. it's sunny though, which is the odd thing.

shrew is causing me concern for the momment. Accidently saw the dsl bill, it hasn't been paid since we moved in. the bill was for $1500 around. she stops werk on the 31st too, and hasn't been looking really. she's been unhappy lots too, a cat peed on her bed. the server is going funky and not running one of it's processes and she can't figure out why, and it's blocking all outside access to any of the computers on that server when it happens. possibly a bad HD. :{

veganboy is back from his trip today, we may go dinner later. yay. i missed him. all my friends leaving me for the holidays, the traitors. :D


pain. grrr

not having time to read lately. I've been working on the latest xanth book for 3ish days now. I normally finish them in less than a day. part of it is that they just don't hold me intranced anymore, but also i've read 20 minutes before bed, and on the bus and on breaks at werk only. i have too many others to read, but this one is overdue at werk. not that i have to pay fines or will get in trouble, but it's rude cuz there are still people waiting for it. not lots, like 20 but still, i'm being rude :p


my cat, he's just so cute. One would think after 4 years i'd get over this, but apparently not.

tyger cooking dinner for me last night



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