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2001-03-29 - 6:47 p.m.

I so cannot work at this place i'm workin now, i'll go crazy in a week. hopefully i can find something else, fast.

cleaning under my bed, yay :]

woofie was nice and got me a pack of clif bars to make sure i eat, yay :] Yum yum

grinning girl is strange.

i've actaully been reading again. this is very good. i wasn't readin there for a bit, too stressed and didn't have time.. finally read a whole book, prolly the first i've finished (excluding 2 i've read that were under 200 pages) in months...i even was paying enough attention to it to catch a plot inconsistancy that i had missed in prior reading

i need money, i'm considering taking a semester off school and working, because i keep running out of money and i hate borrowing...


This new job sucks


clif bars and reading



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