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2001-04-1 - 12:25 p.m.

Well, I quit the annoying job. Got an offer to work at winchester mystery house, but it's only $7 an hour, so i may not take it, i have some time to decide though.

I forgot there was a Anime con this weekend. Veganboy Reminded me, and we went and watched Parody Ranma Stuff on friday. saturday i had the interview at winchester house at 10am. then i went out for lunch, then back to the con and hung around. there was the required bit of con drama. then Woofie came and i Dragged him about a bit and then got him fed and we rented a movie and were cuddley. Nice.

Today is Do stuff day for me. Doing laundry. moving about stuff in my room and cleaning it. Cleaning the bathroom later. No plans to leave the house, Except mayhap to go get some applications.

Been feeling kinda weird lately. Wrote a small (4ish pages) autobiography for someone. Kinda emotional to think that much about your life. Plus I ended up writting about so much sad stuff, and so little of th good things. I Tried to write more about good things, but they're harder to put into words. It made me want to write a much more in depth one though. I've been pondering how i want to attack it though if i do. do i want it to be story like, or year by year dry type stuff. What type of stuff do i want to focus on. Do i want to do it from a wierd perspective? I Did one once that i really liked for a school assignment. I wrote it like someone else writing about me, like a proffesional biographer was writting about me. and what they would know and want to know and share about me. I kinda think i might want to do that again, but doing it that way, you can't really deal with strong emotional stuff because it's not "you" writting.

Boy (person from my first entries) moved to be with his Psycho gf a few days ago. I Don't wish him luck. he's moving there, knowing he's going to be homeless and so so screwed in life. Oh well, The stupid things people do for "love". I don't like to wish Ill on people. but i think he needs to do this , just to figure things out for himself. "learn the hard way" type of deal. part of me still cares a lot about him, But it's a thin line because of all the crap he's pulled.


I *HATE* having my ear touched. and i *HATE* people who are whiny and bitchy about it, and don't accept "please don't touch me there". i don't care if everyone else on this friggin world likes it, i DON'T!

allergy season sucks when you can't afford to get your meds


Moving stuff around in my room. change is good. i just really meant to switch my dresser and bed, but i'm ending up having to move everything because i had to move my bookcase because with the new place the bed is, i can't open the door with the bookcase where it was, and so i had to move this and that and this to get everythin to work right, still not finished either. dresser drawers are on the floor so i can move it, and my stuffies, blankets and pillows are stuffed into my closet.

Listening to good music.


Chocolate covered expresso beans :]

you know, i noticed, i almost always have some sort of food item in my cheer list. I LIKE food darnit. It's good for me. eating is good it keeps me alive. and Yummy food is even better :] It's good and healthy for me to think this, i'm reminded more and more lately that i didn't think that way for a long long time.



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