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2001-04-03 - 1:24 p.m.

well, i got stranded in the middle of nowhere with woofie an veganboy last night around 8ish... cell phones and AAAplus are Niiicceeeee things. woofies van had a line that carries all the coolant split of come off or something. it was totally empty and he poured a gallon of water in it and there was lots of steam from one place in te engine, but he couldn't get to it, and it was so hot, all the water was boiled off in about 5 minutes anyways. After trying to spend 15 minutes explaining where we were in th middle of nowhere, veganboy got th tow truck people to figure out where we were, got told it's take them 30 minutes to get there, luckily was had blankies and girl scout cookies :] tow guy dropped us and van off at the mechanics about 10:05pm, just in time to see the bus we'd need to get to veganboys, to get a car, go by. So us, blankies and cookies traveled to bus stop and sat and waited and caught the bus and had some guy ask us if we were "short of money" because we were wrapped in blankie. Got to veganboy's about midnight. veganboy wanted to go to dinner still, which was our original objective, to go to dinner about an hour away. woofie was too tired, but i grudgingly and hungerly abliged to accompany veganboy. we dropped woofie off, grabbed some snacks to keep from wasting away given it was past midnight and we hadn't had dinner yet. we got there, ordered. I about fell asleep in my milkshake and there was some noisy 21st birthday drunk guys in the booth behind us. i fell asleep on the way home. Crawled into bed at a little after 2am and slept real well.

today I have that whole "crawl under blankies, hide, stay in bed and tell the world to go away" feeling. i have lots to do today , and i'm not doing it ; I was going to write about something else today on here, but i don't feel like it. mayhap later or tomorrow.


It's cold!

My knee still hurts over a week later.



grinninggrrl, even though she's a brat.






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