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2001-04-03 - 9:08 p.m.

Was listening to "god is a bullet" by concrete blonde last night. It got me thinking on a weird thread of thought about if god (or whatever) was some sort of weapon, and had to be reprisented by a weapon etc and so forth, what my thoughts on what kinda of weapon i'd think was apropriate. what do other people think about this? i donno. I have been thinking about it. i think a gun/bullet is too much power and too much death. i think a sword is close to my interpretation. not as threatening, less likely to kill by mistake/indiscriminantly. Better for causing harm but not killing. you have to be close by you use it/have it used on you. it's much harder to kill a crowd on a moments whim. but it's stronger than say, a pocketknife. I don't know. this is just some random pondering.



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