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2001-04-05 - 10:25 a.m.

Okay It time again for the periodical "this was my day, just to remind you how uninteresting my life is"

Do not read this under the influence of boredom, prescripton narcotics, or little purple people who sit on your shoulder.

all times are approximate, I don't check the clock every moment of my life, sorry :}

10am Wake up. Didn' go to bed till 3am, so still feeling a bit tired given this is under my normal 8 hours. Attempt to get online but fall sleep again soon after connecting.

11am Wake up again. Decide this is one of those days where i just don't wanna get outta bed till i really have to, Go back to sleep.

12.30pm Get up. Shower. Talk to sleepy woofie who only got 2 hours sleep because he didn't want to sleep. Decide to Go Make him sleep for his own good after to go talk to someone about job stuff.

1pm Go talk to lady about work. she says she's trying to decide between me and a few others, she'll call me friday.

1.20pm Go to Bus stop Sit at bus stop for a while.

2pm get to woofies. Make lunch of Pesto pasta Yum :}

2.30pm Woofie gets call from his brother saying his car is dead. so we talk to veganboy an he says he can come jump it later..

3pm make woofie lay down and scritch him til he falls asleep. Sneak away to computer and play about online while he sleeps

3.30- 6pm Occationally poke woofie cuz he's snoring. Occationally pestering him awake for a kiss. otherwise keeping myself disstracted by chatting online and playing silly games

6pm call veganboy and pester him to come get us to go fix woofies brother's car

7pm get to where said brother is staying, attempt to get car started. fail. get out veganboys battery charger,but need an extention cord.

8pm Decide to feed veganboy first. Go eat. Have weird convo about languages (woofies brother, at hmm 20 years old?, can speak 9 fluently)

9.30pm try to find extention cord at nearest safeway, they don't carry any. Go to walgreens, find one, goof about reading "learn to potty" books featureing miss piggy and kermit, note that the kermit one mentions washing your hands after, but the miss piggy one didn't. Wonder what social messege this conveys. hear the "please take your selection's to the front, walgreen's is closed" messege and head to the front.

10.30pm get back to car, push car to nearest power outlet, set up charger.

11pm start to head home, drop woofie off, then i got dropped off and veganboy go home.

11.30pm come home to vacuum in my room and note from my roomie "remember how to use one of these?" ggrrr

11.40pm fill out a job application.

Midnight Chat online and read book between messeges.

2am Go to sleep.

Now, gee, wasn't that exciting.


see 11.30pm

Not having a job sucks.


people who sit behind you in the car and play ith your hair the whole time your in the car. Yum.



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