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2001-06-23 - 11:24 p.m.

feeling some better now.

was feeling rather bad this morning, but work was relaxing and kkitty cheered me up some.

did some fun stuff after workies, socialization is good.

pondering drawing or something before bed, though prolly not, prolly just go sleepies.

tomorrow i plan to (drumroll) do laundry!

and prolly go do something wif friends from outta town, i hope.

suffering from a noted lack of cuddle right now though. I need cuddles. blah. I want nice innocent cuddles too, like sleepy cuddles, or watch movie cuddles. those are nice cuddles. must find cuddle person. got some lil bit of nice cuddles from chickieratgrrl, nice sleepie cuddles. Nice.


Having unhappy tummy.

is too hot out.


feeling better a lil bit

silly movies

nice people who send you cute email and stuff



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