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2001-06-24 - 4:26 a.m.

ugh ugh ugh

I just had the worst yuckiest dream. I was walking down the street in my old hometown with my sister, and there just total distruction, everything is just flattened and burnt to a crisp. we go to try to find out what went on, and find out that a guy from my current work, K. (why this was set in my old hometown, i donno)had, according to a reporter "Commit suicide and taken two whole city blocks with him" and he left a note at work, which was in a shopping center in that town (again, weird location displacment) which had barely been missed by the the brunt of the blast and only had been shaken up a bit. and he said he loved everyone at work and he was sorry but music make him too sad to live.

way way way yuck and creepy. yuck yuck yuck. I think this definatly is a good runner for worse dream of the year to date. I'm feeling sick to my stomach again, though i think the dream has a lot to do with this. ugh.

i'm very tired, but i feel too sick/too afraid to go back to sleep. i really really hope i don't go back to this dream when i fall asleep again. very soo soo yucky :{


duh, had nasty yucky icky scary dream


hmm well, at least it got me to post two updates within 5 hours of eachother ...



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