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2001-06-25 - 10:11 p.m.


yesterday was very busy....

woke up, went out to lunch for sushi, YUM. hung out.

then talking to lokicreature and decide to go stay at his house for company since i was feeling kinda yuck since everyone else was out doing stuff and i could go with.

sat around and chatted and watched movies all night.

then go sleepies.

Is very nice, sleeping with someone else in the bed with you. Just sleepies, (well, other stuff can be nice too in some circumstances *insert evil grin here*) but cuddly sleepies by themselves just downright ROCK. Maybe it's some old instinct thing, safety in numbers or something. It's just a nice feeling to know that you're not alone and someones there, even though they're not *really* watching over you, since they're sleeping too, but...:}

and of course, litterally the moment i walked in my door this morning (well, afternoon, actually, but..) my phone is ringing and is friend wanting to visit, i say "me hungry, me want food, me want food now, ugh" or something to that effect, so we go eat breakfast/lunch/dinner/whatever.

then we joined other peoples, and went on a trip to fry's. I was naughty. I bought a razor scooter thing and nifty speakers. I ALMOST bought a CD-RW but i behaved. Amazingly, i was the only one to come outta there with a purchase over $2.00.

now I am home and resting and playing with new toys, yay!


I spent too much money today.


bought nifty toys with the too much money i spent






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