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2001-06-26 - 11:29 p.m.

Well, the first half of my day was pretty boring. Got up, went to work. got visits at work. and kkitty bought me a stuffie i've been wanting, yay! after work went to old roomies to get mail and they had my deposit already, money, yay!

got home, and my room was fianlly free of stuff belonging to girl who lived in room before me.. twas a nice surprize.

called veganboy to see if he wanted to go to kmart/target/walmart/whatever to get some stuff, and he was with peoples so they all came and got me and we ended up wandering around kmart for a bit. then we went to a grocery store and got snacks and went to a playground and ate and played even though it was 10pm at this point. then , of course, it started raining, so we left and i went home, but it was fun :} I'm easily amused, what can i say.


uhmm uhhmm wow.. i can't think of one... hmmm uhmmm

okay, standbys- it's not july yet and a haven't gotten the pics from con back yet!


playgrounds with really really cool slides


people who visit you at lunch at work.


french bread still warm from the oven

pinkish purple hair

cute two year olds.

people who insist you are cute.



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