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2001-06-27 - 10:44 p.m.

yay, got to sleep in this morning. yay.

then went out and bought a power puff girls shower curtain to replace the one that's hanging by 3 hooks and i picked up some groceries too.

did my shopping at my old work, and one of the girls there said something real real cool to me. she said i looked really pretty today because i looked so happy. heh. yay. Ego boost. :]

on my way back in, i stopped by the apartment managers office to tell them my bedroom door was broken (the doorknob was stuck in the door, so door wouldn't close) and then went home, and the guy got there in like, 2 minutes, i didn't even get my groceries put away before he showed up, so that was cool, and my door closes now! yay. working doors are good, much better than leaving my shoes there to hold it closed like i'd been doing.

veganboy came over and played on my computer while i put up paintings and posters. we were trying to decide what we wanted for dinner, and couldn't agree on any one place sounding good, except for places outside of driving distance, like in other countries or states. finally decided to just go to the grocery store and get food. I got baklava... Yum. expensive, but yum. then went to wed. night fun, julia brought a bubble blowing gun, so a bunch of us played with that :] silly fun :]


I ate some food that was too hot, and burned the roof of my mouth, and now it hurts and feels all funny ;{

I Found cool toys at longs today, Zoobs, the toys that denny's had for kids for the longest time! i used to play with them all the time when i used to go to denny's when i worked next to a denny's about 2 years ago. but they were $15, for a little tube of them. blah. not major money, but a lot for just a few of them, so i didn't end up getting them. I may break down and get them though.



thinking people are annoyed with you, and finding out they arn't...

fishnet shirts and shiny black pants

having a living place that is actually starting to feel like a home.

Finding yourself blathering on about happystuffs, to people who don't mind your blathering ons



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