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2001-06-28 - 10:16 p.m.

BAH! GRRRR GRUMP!!! ARGH!!! ^&%^$^&#@(%(#!!! you get the idea. blah i sick :{ I got a sore throat/stuffed up thingy. yuck.

hmm otherwise, doing pretty okay. nothing much exciting today, got up, went to work, worked on an order all day long, messed up some of it, had to re do it, then convinced veganboy to get me so i didn't have to walk since i'm feeling yuck, and now i'm home... ohhh ahhh...

only interesting thing was that a guy from con came in and picked up an application.

been thinking bout lots of random stuff lately. lots about what i want out of my interactions with my fellow creatures. pondering what different people expect from me and trying to figure out vice versa...

lots of where am i gonna be in a year stuff too...

how i can think about what i'm doing in a year seem so odd, when sometimes i can't even think about tomorrow. One day, one action, one twist of fate could change anything or everything.

Hmm I prolly shouldn't be trying to be philosophic when on cold medicine though....


SICK! ugh.

Missing grinninggirl.


cute people with purple hair.



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