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2001-06-30 - 9:32 p.m.

still sick.

nothing really exciting.

Lots of weird feelings today though..

Feeling kinda lonely today.

veganboy is gone for the weekend.

no one else wants to visit cuz i'm sick

grinningGirl is far away.

dealing with weird emotions about silly creatures...

and feeling really really lucky in certain frames of mind. I don't know how to explain it right though, but i guess i'll give it a go. I want something I can't have, on any level it seems, which is rather saddening, but I feel.. I wanna say stupid or dumb or some similar word, but it's not totally in a self-degrading way, because i'm so so so lucky in what i do and can have, that it seems greedy and rude and improper to want anything else... I feel so not deserving of what i have because of it, and so greatful and lucky that i do have what i do.

Yet i still want what i can't have, and I don't know if it's real want, or just coveting, grr, thus making it even worse.


being sick, still...


Nifty Roomies :}

Chocolate covered cherries



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