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28 January, 2002 - 9:30 a.m.

yesterday was just a spectacular day. Yay.

I failed my goal to sleep in untill noon, wakeing at 8 and laying in bed in denile untill 10ish. roomie was planning a trip to the grocery, so i asked to go with to get soda and some other things (i forgot kitty pan liners, grr!)

while we were at the store, we thought that donuts sounded yummy, and roomie knew of a good place kinda far away (45 minute drive) that has little eclair type things. we decided on spontanious road trip of glutony. we hurried home and put away groceries, fed the toddling monster some real food, then hopped back in the car. we got our sugar and there's a 7-11 near there where from the parking lot, you get a nice view of the mountains and the freeway, so we got chocolate milk and sat in the car eating and watching traffic. then we went home. we all needed a nap after that adventure. i slept untill 4:30ish, then started to do dishes, and roomie started helping so we got a lot done quickly. there's still more dishes, of course, but...

i had a few different things i might have been doing last night, tyger and shrew had wanted to kidnap me, lokifox thought he might call me if he wasn't busy, and veganboy wanted to do something if i ended up notbusy. so i chatted and cleaned and i waited for someone to call me. tyger and shrew called around 7ish, so we went to dinner and then went hottubbing since shrew is staying in a hotel for a work school thingy and the hotel has an indoor hottub :} the tub was set a bit too hot for me and tyger though, so we both went and cooled off in the pool some, shrew somewhat thinking we were insane :}

then around midnight i got taken home granted i was so tired i was about to fall asleep, but still...

it was just one of those really fun days.

roomie and i threw aroudn the idea a bit to go to the zoo next sunday, we'll see what happens with that.


uhmm uhmmm darnit, i can't think of one


hottubs and pools

good food

now playing: dr. dementos, homecoming queen's got a gun and existential blues and front242 headhunter



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