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31 January, 2002 - 8:24 a.m.

nothing too interesting.

roomie managed to accidently not pay electric for 3 months , so they cut off our power for a day.

werk school school werk.

tried to get together with lokifox a few times this week, but it hasn't worked yet. bleh.

i just woke up, and i had a really cool dream with grinninggirl in it. drempt i was wandering around somwwhere ( a park i think, maybe a school) and a friend pointed out a cute redheaded girl and i looked and realized it was grinninggirl and she'd cut her hair to just past her shoulders and dyed it a nifty looking light red colour, just a little more pink than a dark strawberry blonde. so we shouted and waved and she wandered over and we went and played on the slide and swings and stuff. the hair really caught my attention in the dream, it was just such a great colour. it was kinda like the dream was black and white, except the hair. weird. My cat jumped on my tummy and woke me though, so i don't know how it would've ended.

shrew is talking about maybe going to disneyland for her bday. it sounds nifty :}


i have to crawl out of my warm bed and into the cold room very soon or i'm going to be late.

there's a daddy long legs spider in my room, and it's just out off bookitty's reach, and i don't like it cuz it's just about 3 three above my bed, but i don't wanna smoosh it.

i NEED to do my journal homework tonight, it's due tomorrow.


i splurged and bought two new sweaters ( i really needed them) and a combo cork/dry erase board for my wall so i can not forget things like "do journal homework tonight!!!"

nowplaying: Nothing, i still haven't reinstalled my mp3 player and morning radio sux



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