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02 February, 2002 - 3:26 p.m.

ugh i feel rather dumb, the virus i got, was from roomies computer from networking it. dumb dumb dumb luckily i caught the reinfection within minutes. Poor roomie's puter had every single .exe infected. we reformatted it though and it runs well now.

last night i went to see the anime Metroplis, with tyger, shrew, veganboy and a guy from werk who wanted to go but didn't wanna go alone. weird movie, i liked it though. it managed to accomplish cute and scary at the same time :}

lots of con stuff starting up. wee..... meeting and stuff. yay.


i haven't got all of my w-2's yet, grr i wanna do my taxes

house is it's usual mess


enjoying life, despite twinges of sadness.


i'm getting better at ddr. I can do most songs on the beginner level songs with an a or b.

the simpsons

weird roomies



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