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04 February, 2002 - 9:52 a.m.

I really don't want to go to school today. my head hurts bad. it started last night, took me untill 2amish ot get to sleep, then it went away for the first 15 minutes or so i was awake, but it's back now :{ as well, I just feel plain old exhausted. saturday was the only day i really did anything resembling just relaxing, and even then, i was doing laundry and halfheartedly working on a paper.

yesterday i left the house 10:30ish i think, and got home after midnight. i was at a con meeting from 1-4, and it was sunday, so taking public transport takes forever. 4 to 5 i went briefly to Somebody's house to kill time and look up a fone number. at 5 we picked up Lynx, whom i'm working on Con stuff with, and we did some price comparison shopping. We finished that around 10pm and went to his house to type up the report, and me being the geekist (scary, ain't it) of the group, i was set to producing a report on the archicness of the computers Yakko, wakko and Dot :} Yakko was a step out of 1994 (about when they got him, and he hasn't been upgraded at all basically) , took us 20 minutes to figure out that it's a Front removing case! ugh. 486 .5 g HD 16 MB ram. There's a weird card i don't know that looks like it connects the HD to the MOBO, and it has a mouse card. So we will hopefully be able to make them wince some and buy us a new one. the other two are old, but useable for our purpose, which is just data entry and printing on a network. It we don't get a new puter for it, i'll definatly scrounge old parts and at least get it a little faster. the only thing i wouldn't have would be Ram, cuz i gave the one extra i had to Veganboy :} But I have to wait till they give say on a new one, which won't be untill march, so i have time.

I really hope i don't burn out over the next two weekends. blah. i want to have fun and such, but i'm so afraid with everything i do over the week, that not having my day of sitting at home on my arse, i'll just crash.


My head hurts.

my cat threw up on my clean socks yesterday.

not being able to remember the word "rhinestone" when i needed it yesterday. "fake gems thingys" just doesn't have the same ring to it.


ursas the stuffies who keep me safe at night.

getting back into beading.

going through an old box of makeup and stuff and tossing most of it and finding one of my old favourite rings and necklaces.

now playing: oingo boingo, aerosmith, jill sobule



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