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08 February, 2002 - 1:33 p.m.

YAY! I got a "prefered customer" coupon from lane bryant, 25 dollars off any 75 dollar purchace, so i stopped in there to look and see if there was anything interesting, and they were having a sale, i ended up spending $50.76 on about $130 worth of stuff. i found dark dark purple velvet-like pants. they're fuzzy and neat :}

roomie and roomies daughter are sick, and i think i'm catching it. blech.

got to visit lokifox last night. very nice. hopefully will get to see him again soon.

i head out to disneyland soon. i found out a friend may be down there too, so maybe i'll see him :}


i have sick-gunk in my throat blech.


my white board i bought to write reminders on is filling with graffiti from friends on it :}

lokifox being highly entertained my my screensaver where the wallpaper gets up and crawls around :}

Hips, hips are a very important part of the body. hips are good.

now playing: offspring, still.



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