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11 February, 2002 - 9:33 p.m.

Fun weekend. rides, hanging out, yummy food. staying in the disney hotel was very nifty. The beds were big, and comfy and they gave us tons of pillows, so i got to sleep surrounded by pillows cuddled with my ursabears, which i got on my last trip out there. I started catching the nasty cold roomie and the toddling monster had on saturday night. being sick at disneyland sucks. blech. i still had fun, but i had to rest lots and take a nap, and i slept most of the ride home. we got to eat breakfast with all the characters from winnie the pooh. That was fun. meow. we stopped at casa de fruita to get chips for veganboy and lokifox, and they didn't have them! GRRR. they had just the little snackbags, so i didn't get them.


sick, blech.

sore some from all the walking.

the bit of lonelyness that i'm feeling tonight



the valentine that was waiting for me when i got home :} I have an iffy relationship with the more grown up side of this holiday, but cute kid valentine cards i fully endorse ;]


evil disney songs stuck in my head driving everyone but me looney :}

hot peppermint tea

the cd shrew gave me

Now playing: NIN - PHM, Offspring- Ignition



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