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14 February, 2002 - 8:48 a.m.

*begin rant*

Some people annoy me. Here is an example from last night. I was out to dinner with veganboy, and there was a guy on his cell phone sitting behind us. He's talking to some friend about valentine's day, friend has obviously asked what he's doing with his Girlcreature, and he responded "I'll Just take her out to dinner or something to shut her up about it" Grrr. If you dislike the holiday, at least be honest about it, sheesh. annoying people. If you are actually fortunate enough to have a mate on this day (i've had this circumstance twice, once with someone i'd been dating for a whole week, and the other time, we agreed to politely ignore the day on the grounds that we show apriciatation for eachother already, we didn't need a holiday for it) you shouldn't be blah and mean about it. The whole bitter single thing is fun yes, i love hissing at the cute couples. Humans need to learn to appriciate what they do have when they have it though.

*end rant*

I need to go to the grocery tomorrow and get valentines candy half off :}

anyways, after being sick, i'm now off to LA again to work a con. no sleep for me this weekend.


now that my cough is going away, i'm getting a sore throat! :P

I'm kinda hungry, but nothing sounds appetising

Being way to busy, combined with sick, burned out am i, and i haven't even started this weekend.



the Inu-yasha episodes that veganboy got me!

Being curled up with stuffies and big blankets and pillows all safe and warm

fresh chocolate chip cookies

now playing: Nothing, i have a headache. :P



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