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19 February, 2002 - 12:08 p.m.

Much much Fun. I had a great weekend. lots of werk, but I met a lot of nifty new people. I danced some, i drank some. (mmmm Midori) I sat around being social. I Didn't sleep or eat nearly enough, but I will recover. I Met a few people which i wish to keep in contact with. One being a nice British boy whom veganboy has suggested i Nick as Ravenclaw for here. He wil be visiting around here for a week, so it's been suggested that we hang out some outside of the convention.

I Got a bit burned out at the convention, so i mostly didn't work aside from opening on monday, and i still didn't really want to leave, so i may have to attend this one again next year, though i don't know if as staff. It's definatly got me into con mode for the springtime though.

I was planning to drive back up with lynx, but i wanted to stay later, so I aranged to travel with veganboy since he needed the company. we left a bit after midnight, i promptly fell asleep since it's better to be awake about the time he might be getting a bit tired, slept for about two hours. Then he got pulled over for going over 90 mph, bad veganboy. That woke me up nicely though. the officer was very polite though which was nice at 3am. We put in a cd with lots of song to sing squirrels to, and cracked ourselves up with discovering two things. one, it's kinda hard to sing squirrels to Blur's boys and girls, and secondly, that it's even more hilarious (particularly at 5am, i'm quite sure) to use Coi for Boy :} so we now have coi and squirrels. I need a pin that says "i want squirrels with new wave hair-dos" just to cause veganboy fits of giggles whenever he sees it.

Oh! I bought a ranma shirt this weekend, and a pin that says "anything not nailed down is a cat toy" i also collected tons of mardi gras (i'm not awake, is that spelled correctly?)beads


I've a sore throat, i'm guessing from the LA smog. Yuck.

sleep is not overrated

I've a huge bruise on the side of my knee from walking smack into a knee-height table in the suite.

b!tchy hotel staff


pancakes with fruit


the sillyness that i've hung about so many brits this weekend that i've picked up the accent a smidgen.

bookitty, who has been fawning all over me since i got back, and is sleeping on my back right now. I think he was worried i wouldn't come back, the poor thing.

pretty shiny sparkles

talking a lot with people about life and venting and b!tching in a fun way, like sharing dating horror stories and such.

cool emails telling me that i "Rock"

Now playing: THe overly loud sounds of the gardener directly outside my window



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