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20 February, 2002 - 3:38 p.m.

Ack. I just went to archive the last months of 2001 here, and noticed the the links to all of 2000 and 2001 until sepember had gotta removed from the html somwwhere. i only look at it every three months or so, so i didn't notice, and i guess no one else did either. oh well, it's all fixed now.

apparently tuesday morning the hotel we stayed at this weekend was robbed. Glad i got to miss that little adventure.

I was productive today. I changed the litterbox and did laundry, though i haven't put it away.

an old acquaintance of mine had a son today. It makes me feel old, all my friends are having kids and getting married and other grownup stuff. I'll just keep on singing the toys r us theme song, thank you.

off to work now.


having to work the next three weekends.


orange juice




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