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21 February, 2002 - 10:10 a.m.

after work last night, lynx dragged me out ot a local goth club to be social. i haven't been to a club in so long, and even longer since i've been out to a goth club. first hour was boring, but once it got more of a crowd, they started playing things i liked and i danced. I got introduced to one of the djs and she was nifty and we sat around discussing and giving scritchies.

we didn't stay out to late, since we both needed our sleep, but i was actually sad about leaving since i was actually starting to have fun when we left, so i may have to go back.


due to busy schedules, i haven't really had a chance to talk to grinninggirl in nearly 2 weeks.

I'm very tired today. blech. i think i'm going to have one of those days where i just want to lay in bed all day an hide, though i can't since i have to be in to work.

it was pointed out to me that i tend to put on a dumb blonde type of act when i'm around new people that i think are cute. I vaguely realize this. i donno why though. trying to be cute, or a protective thing maybe. i just sort of naturally fall into that mode. lynx pointed out that a friend of his thought i was cute, but thought i must have the brains of a rock, which confussed him a bit since he is of the opinion that i'm actually intelligent (i donno if i'd take it that far, but i am at least brighter than a rock, at least to the level of plant life intelligence)



discovering the newest book in a series you read has come out and you didn't notice. though the plot of this one just doesn't sound that interesting to me, I think she's gotten to the point of trying to drag the series along, but we'll see once i read it.

paper cranes

clean laundry, though i still haven't put that away.



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