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25 February, 2002 - 5:44 p.m.

Hmm my cat has taken my ursas stuffie and dragged it out to the living room during the night the last two nights.

I think i need to stay home a few nights and spend time with him before i find myself dragged out to the living room in the middle of the night! :}

i'm having major sugar cravings today, and not for chocolate, which is the only sugary thing i have in the house really.

OUCH doh. bookitty just was going ZIP and attempted to jump on the windowsill and didn't check his speed well enough poor thing, he seems okay though. that sounded painful.

hopefully i am going to go see queen of the damned tonight. though i'm being silly and a bit worried since i haven't been able to get ahold of veganboy to confirm things are going on, and i don't want to take the bus if no one is oging since then i wouldn't have a way home.


there's no soda in the house. I need caffiene

i've a bruise on my leg, and as usual, i've no clue as to how i obtained it.


my glowy stars :}

people who make me laugh till my sides hurt :}



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