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27 February, 2002 - 12:17 a.m.

forgive me if this entry lacks in sencical and/or rational thought, i'm very tired, but i wanted to babble.

I got my gail carson levine box set today. yay books. silly frivilous childrens books, even better!

i was full of energy when i got out of werk this evening, so me and tyger went out to eat at saturn. yay.

i may have to harm the cat.(yes, i'm that annoyed he's now "the cat") i found ursas in the living room again, this time with bits actually missing from them. just torn out fluff, so you can't really notice, but still, they are special.

the movie last night was good. they took lots of liberties with the storyline, but they kinda had to. my only peeve with both this and the other anne rice movie is that in both the key characters that are red or auburnheaded in the stories end up with black hair in the movies.


i really really need to do laundry tomorrow

i have a big stack of discards i have to process at work tomorrow. papercuts and red ink stained hands, fun.

being all quiet and withdrawn and stuff. enough that people are asking if i'm okay.

not knowing how to answer "are you okay?" and shruging



homemade ranch dressing.

everyone's friend the internet

people who care what you think.

warm hugs on cold evenings



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