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12 March, 2002 - 7:40 p.m.

Adventure Adventure adventure!

today's adventure packace includes:

Folding Of Laundry

Watching of Episode 35 of inuyasha

Unloading Dishwasher

Observation of the actions of the wild Roomie when Squicked. She left her camera at her elder sister's house last night, her sister, having their hereditary warped sense of humour called while she knew she was out and left a msg thanking her for leaving the camera and stating that her and her husband has taken it to the bedroom the night before a had some fun with it, and that she hoped she didn't mind that they used up the last of the roll. Roomie ran about waving her arms going "eeewwww! eewww! EEWWIIIIEE!" for approximatly 2 minutes.

Rinsing of dishes and loading of dishwasher. starting of dishwasher

Taking out of trash from bedroom and kitchen.

Discovery of scary bag under kitchen table

Cleaning up of scary bag, i think they were oranges at one point, and the bag bottom collapsed, leaving green mould dust all over the floor, eeewwwww.

Vacuuming of floor in dining and living area, though without much care for thuroughness.

Rooting through of fridge for things that have Unionized or applied for US citizen status. Makeing of said things to travel to the trash universe.

Discovery of Yakisoba noodles that are still good, that had been kidnapped and held ransom by a loaf of bread.

Unloading of dishwasher

Cooking and consumption of food.

Watching of inuyasha 36 37 and 38

And it's only 8pm, Whhhhheeeee :}


Hmm I THINK they were oranges at one point, eeeeeewwwwwww

I need a nap.


Artwork Ideas.


Being in a good mood.

Now playing: concrete blonde- 100 games of solitare Oingo boingo-who do you want to be today



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