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13 March, 2002 - 10:40 p.m.

I didn't do much of anything early today, i woke up for a bit from 8am-10amish, went back to sleep. woke up around 11:30.

talked to my da about his visiting, we are going to get together not this sat, but the next.

I called my boss about going back to werk next week. someone had to change their availability, so there was 20 hours a week up for grabs, so i nabbed 15 extra hours next week. she wanted me to take all of them, but i wanted friday off.

I took a shower today, yay, all clean. was a bit itchy, but i am clean, i was feeling so grungy from only taking the oatmeal baths like my dr said.

Then i sat around online doing, well, nothing, for a few hours.

took a nap for an hour around 4.

the i pestered veganboy to take me shopping. we went to the japanese market and i got fresh yakisoba. seaweed crackers, some soup mixes, and pocky. i tried to find this particularly yummy brand of bowl ramen that my coworker gave me, but they didn't have it. then we went to safeway and i got veggies for the noodles, some pluots (YUM!) some juice box drinks of the "10% real juice!" variety (ie SUGAR!) and some other foodstuffs, and vitamin e oil to help my skin heal from the chicken pox.


It's COLD out tonight, and it's been windy all day. I went out earlier, and got bombed by those spiky ball thingys falling off the maple tree just outside our door. i am currently huddled under two blankies.

I have too much anime to watch, I need to watch Love hina now, too. hehehe :}

I just did a load of dishes yesterday, and already there are no clean forks!


Chocolate Pocky.


Good moods

watching bookitty lose his balence and fall over cuz i'm scratching the side of his chin :}

Now playing: Nothing, except i have the munsters theme song stuck in my head.



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