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15 March, 2002 - 10:29 a.m.

Ugh. Tired. I only Got about 4 hours of sleep. I tried to go to sleep around 2am, since i needed to be up by 10. I got hit with that Unexplainable Eerie Feeling that "something is wrong, something is very wrong". I checked about a Bit, and I've yet to find something that is wrong. If you find something wrong, Please let me know, Otherwise I think i need to see my psychic friend and get my 6th sense fixed. Anyways, I couldn't sleep, finally gave in to the rule that the cat isn't panicing, and is purring, so i am in my eminant danger, and fell asleep somewhere around 3 or 4ish. Of course, I had to wake up at 8ish because the sun got extra bright for a moment.

Nothing much else exciteing, I'm sorry.


trying to do some html, and having everything go wonky cuz you forgot a >. You can never see that, either, luckily i had a handy dandy Grinninggirl around to peer at it and find it for me. I had to spend 30 minutes griping about it not working first though, of course.

I've a weird taste in my mouth, and i've brushed my teeth, and it's still there some :P

I keep forgetting to eat.I wish my tummy would hurry up and decide i'm better and make me hungry again. the rest of me figured that out, what's taking my tummy so long? yesterday all i ate was a turkey sandwich, a pluot, and a Clifbar. and all those were because i knew i needed to eat, not because i was actually hungry. Oh and a packet of fruity snacks (the kind you put in kid lunches, i ate that too. It's an okay amount of food, but the fact that if i hadn't written myself a not reminding me to eat, i might not have, bothers me :P

I've written a webpage of hugs to share with the world, complete with hugs contributed by friends, and a lot of people are calling me silly, weirdo, or goofy :P What's wrong with a page of hugs, huh?! Hmph. One person was nice enough to explain it was because I was trying to spread warm happy thoughts, instead of being mean and grumpy like the rest of the world. But, Obviously, if the rest of the world is mean and grumpy, they NEED hugs! So, THERE, Nyah!


Making bday presents for people

Happy Ides of march!

I have a Fun-busy day today.

My cat is weird. I love him.

My friends are weird, I love them too, even though it's generally a cuter attribute in cats.

Now playing: Eyeliners- do the zombie, mtx- new g/f



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