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16 March, 2002 - 12:53 p.m.

yesterday was nice. I sat around mostly, till 3ish. then i met Shrew at the mall and we shopped, with the plan to meet Roomie, Lokifox, and Tyger for movies at 7:30. Lokifox met us early, so wandered about with us to a bit. Then we Ran into Val, who was seeing the same movie, Ice age, but an hour later. Shrew and Tyger sat cuddled up, and lokifox an I as well, We need to find Roomie a boytoy. She has one she likes, but he's taken. Seeing everyone was nice. I think i was suffering cuddle withdrawls, because just having lokifox rest his head on my shoulder was quite blissful :} Movie was cute. Me and roomie are going to bit insane because we recognise a song in it, but it didn't start bugging us till after the movie, so we didn't look for it in the credits. one of the courus lyrics is "i want to hold your hand" i think. Neither of us know what it is, i know i've heard it on the radio before, but i have no idea who sings it. and there's not been a full soundtrack released that i can find online.

I've lost my voice totally, for some reason. No soreness or anything, just *POOF* gone. i started loseing the higher tones last night, and this morning it's totally gone. Best i can think of for a reason is that i've not spoken more than a few sentances the last few weeks, due to my lack of social interaction, and i talked with shrew a lot, and with another friend earlier in the day, so maybe i wore my voice out after not talking for a long time? i've lost my voice from yelling before, not from just talking though.

It looks like the moveing of my diary might be put off for even longer, very irksome. :{ Good for Andrew, He continues to get my little bit of money for now, But Bad for me.


I should be doing stuff today, but i feel lazy.

I broke a nail last night :{ just the tip got torn though, so nothing painfull, it's just shorter now.

cats who land a jump on your stomach when you are sleeping

the postal service, which is lagging on something i'm expecting :P


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